
Today we visited an orphanage that houses kids and families who lost their parents in the genocide. They live on a beautiful farmland at the bottom of a hill. First we heard a little presentation from a man who is involved with the orphanage and he actually grew up in this orphanage with his brothers and sisters. First we saw the garden. They grow different vegetables and salads. All the girls helped to water the plants while the chaperones learned more about the orphanage. On our way back we saw how a foundation for a barn was put in place. They hope to keep a few cows there for milk. We saw many goats as well. During the tour we saw a couple of men hard at work cutting the grass to use to feed the cows later.

We had a short meeting in one of the houses. We brought a full suitcase full of Mickey Mouse dolls to give out to the kids. They all loved them! We gave out some chocolates as well.
The Papyrus
Then we ate lunch at Papyrus.
After that we went back to Nyacyonga to finish our mosaic mural. By this time, we just had the Chicago skyline and the sleeves of the shirts to finish .

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